of Comics & Sequential Images 2
- ILL 292
Teacher John Heebink
THUMBNAILS--Small and scribbly!
Here are 5 pages in thumbnail form. They are on an 8 1/2 x 11" sheet folded in eighths. Pairs of pages that share a spread are outlined in yellow and orange. Note that the horizontal panel borders are at different heights on pages 4 and 5 so no one mistakes the two pages for a 2-pp. spread.
LAYOUTS--A lot bigger, a little tighter!
Now a nice Spider-man example by the late Gil Kane. Note the attention paid to perspective. Most panels have BG (background) elements that clearly imply a vanishing point (Implying is fine for a Gil Kane, but you're expected to actually indicate the horizon and vp's, even if minimally or casually). This was probably done on a 8 1/2 x 11" sheet .You might choose to do layouts anywhere from print-size (6" x 9" image area) to original size (10" x 15" image area).
Here, and on the following pages, are some Frank Miller layouts for Sin City. Note that even if the figures are covered by heavy clothes, rain or blackness, he still roughs out each figure in a very dimensional, blocky way and is scrupulous about figures' proportions and anatomy.