Animation Links
These are for anyone with an interest in web animation.
Some of these firms may be good places for students to seek internships.
This page updated 10/24/02


SHOCK FUSION A provider of Flash content. Note the 3D work.

WILDBRAIN is based here in SF. Good place to try for an internship, maybe, but go way, way early.

ANIMATO This Finnish guy ain't gonna win any prizes for his drawing, but his website is packed with technical details for D.I.Y. animators.

EMOTIONERIC This guy has helpfully posted pictures of himself different expressions for your reference.

More Flash sites
Beautifully animated, frequently funny Flash cartoons. Great "retro" site design
If sadism toward animals is your idea of big,"edgy" yocks, this is your site.
I had high hopes for this site, especially Bob ("Ren and Stimpy") Camp's "Pain and Envy/Abject Puberty." But not much happened here before the dot-com implosion hit.
Once one of the most aggressive and ambitious of these sites. Home of the notorious "Mr. Wong," early episodes of which are pretty durn funny. "Hard-Drinking' Lincoln" isn't especially well done, but is kind of amusing. This site prided itself on being writer-driven, and has the art to prove it.
Anally fixated? Check these quickie cartoons devoted to the turd. A new one every day!

And still more: A list of animation sites courtesy of [ Yahoo! ]

Sites with Flash interfaces and cool design work (Thanks, Dieuwke.)
This one's pretty amazing: lots of interactiveness, impressive design
Like your Flash with Eurodisco-techno-whatever? Some nice design work here.

Please email me with suggestions for animation-oriented sites I should list here


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